Some Basics:
Our Mission: What We Do
Cool Cats Rescue Inc. is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating stray cats in South Florida. Our team works tirelessly to provide food, shelter, and medical care to these vulnerable animals. We aim to raise awareness about the plights faced by stray cats and the illegal dogfighting activities that threaten their well-being.
Each day, Cool Cats staff members travel to locales where stray cats are present to feed and administer care if necessary. Our efforts are focused on protecting and healing these animals.

Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with Cool Cats Rescue Inc.: you can volunteer your time, sponsor a cat, become a donor—or simply spread the word about our cause! With the formal launch of our website, we hope to boost engagement, awareness, and attract donors to help the charity to become self-supporting. Anything—including simply sharing our cause with others—is appreciated by the team (and cats) at Cool Cats!
To this end, we also accept donations in the form of materials/supplies, food, and other helpful necessaries and miscellaneous items relevant to our mission. Email us today if you have items or materials that may be helpful to our mission.
Spread the Word
Help us spread the word about the importance of cat rescue and the challenges faced by stray cats in South Florida. Share our story, photos, and videos to raise awareness about this critical issue.
One particular issue plaguing our cats is the proliferation of illegal dogfighting rings, which harvest cats to train and feed illegally-kept (and abused) dogs. While our mission is to protect and nurture cats, we work tirelessly to everywhere minimize animal cruelty, privation—and other forms of neglect and abuse.

Cat Feeding
Cat Rescue
Medical Care
Shelter & Housing
Supporting Spaying + Neutering Efforts
Spreading Awareness
Rehabilitation & Recovery
Adoption Preparation

I acquired Bella four years ago, and Stanley and Shadow about two years ago. They are all from Cool Cats Rescue, Inc.
They were fending for themselves over three years in various neighborhoods scrounging for a meal and trying to keep safe from predators until Brian discovered them. He fed them daily for months before bringing them to safety.
I was eager to adopt and each has been a wonderful pet. They are all very loving, content, and appreciative of being cared for. Brian truly has a passion for this work and the felines under his care are indeed fortunate.
— Janet Harris-Lange

“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.”
— Name, Title

By the numbers:
Factoids about Cool Cats Rescue Inc.
Cool Cats Rescue Inc. has been feeding, caring for, rehabilitating, and sheltering stray cats since 2016— and was formalized as a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization in 2024.
Year of (formal) establishment
Estimated stray cats fed.
Cats rehabilitated, housed, and given a good life.
Happy Endings!
Martin Brian Maglio
Martin Brian Maglio
Founder & President,
Cool Cats Rescue Inc.